

We finished the remaining Lamb Tagine with couscous and wilted spinach. Here is the couscous recipe – enough for 2-3:

  • 120g couscous
  • 1 tsp harissa paste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Boiling water

Put the couscous into a bowl. Mix in the harissa and olive oil.

Add boiling water so that it just covers the couscous. Stir and cover, and leave for 5 minutes. Fluff-up with a fork. When you are almost ready to serve, steam (in (metal) sieve) over a pan of boiling water, until piping hot. NB. don’t try microwaving couscous it will go lumpy!


There was enough couscous left over to make a salad for a lunch box. I microwaved a small quantity of diced onion, yellow pepper and sun-dried tomato, with a small amount oil for 50 seconds at 750W. I allowed this cool and then added small amounts of raisins, dried cranberries, pine kernels, pistachio nuts and mixed seeds. I mixed this with the remaining couscous, and stirred in some oil and vinegar dressing.

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